Apr 122010

Just kidding…I think?

This Saturday, April 17 the theatrical production of Franklin and the Adventures of the Noble Knights hits The Centre For Performing Arts in Vancouver. This musical adventure follows Franklin on a quest to recover the lost “Golden Necklace” of Princess Harriet.

As many of you know (all too well), Franklin is a turtle that stars in his very own cartoon on Treehouse. Awww, our beloved Treehouse (and the Disney Channel for that matter).  Never, say never to television as one day you too may need to take a shower after 3 days. It can be a lifesaver.

By all accounts this will be a good show. Personally, I never understood the appeal of this little reptile but then again I’m not watching Franklin through the eyes of a 19 month old boy. Caden LOVES Franklin. It’s as if they speak the same language. Caden’s first major word (after MaaaaMaa and DahDah) was, of all things……”TUR-TLE”. Huh, what happened to “ball” or “car”….nope, it was turtle.

It’s unfortunate that my “little one” can’t stay still for more that 5 seconds so no theatre experience for us this year. Hopefully, Franklin makes his triumphant return next year. If he does, we’ll be the first in line.

Franklin and the Adventures of the Noble Knights
(90-minute Live Theatrical Production)
Saturday, April 17
The Centre In Vancouver For Performing Arts
Vancouver, BC

Showtimes: 1:00pm and 4:00pm
Tickets: $29.25 each

Koba Entertainment (For more information of the show and to view a video clip)
Ticketmaster (To buy tickets and read reviews)

Apr 112010

What’s not to love about these mini tubes of coloured icing? There are 2 types (primary or pastel) and they come in packages containing 4 shades. Best of all, the icing drys hard so you can stack the cookies.

I’ll admit, I still prefer homemade icing for sugar cookies (actually my grandmother’s icing to give credit where credit is due) but once midnight rolls around and i’m still not finished icing (on the eve of a special event), I COULD KISS the person that invented Scribblers.

I wouldn’t recommend using these icing tubes for big jobs; they’re just too small. It would be costly and the icing dries too quickly. For small details (like eyes, hair, a bow, polka dots etc…), they are fantastic.

I used Scribblers twice recently, once to outline our Easter sugar cookies. This was the first time the little ones ate cookies so we didn’t want to use much icing (and we went scant on the sugar in the cookies themselves). That little bit of icing definitely made the cookies look more festive.

I also used the Scribblers to draw faces on the frog cookies we served at my son’s 1st birthday party. It worked brilliantly and saved me a lot of time (something that I have little of these days).

p.s. On the subject of credit where credit is due…thanks Mom for baking these cookies and thanks Dad for helping me ice the frog cookies…it takes a village, people.

p.p.s The frogs with the psycho eyes were done by Dad, he thinks he’s so funny…sigh.

Apr 102010

Saying “town” may be a bit of an exaggeration. Does Squamish count as “town”?

Either way, if your household contains an avid fan of this mechanical marvel then you know what you must do. So, pack a lunch, grab some miscellaneous snacks, throw a bunch of toys in a bag and head for the hills.  Thomas the Tank Engine will be at the West Coast Railway Heritage Park for four days this summer on June 5  & 6 and June 12 & 13. Tickets are on sale now.

The celebration details include the following:

  • Take a 25 minute ride with a full size Thomas the Tank Engine
  • Meet Sir Topham Hatt
  • Enjoy storytelling, live music, build with Lego Duplo bricks and much more

“Day out with Thomas, The Celebration Tour 2010”
West Coast Railway Heritage Park
39645 Government Rd, Squamish, BC
June 5 & 6 & June 12 & 13, 2010

Tickets: $20 for Ages 2 and up
Buy Tickets Online or call 1-888-222-6608

West Coast Railway Association – Day out with Thomas
What’s On! – Squamish Events Guide